C# 6 Verbatim Interpolated String Literals

It’s no secret that string interpolation is one of my favorite C# 6 language features because of how well it cleans up that messy composite formatting syntax. A few days ago I was working on some code that contained a verbatim string that included a few of the classic tokens and I wondered if string interpolation would work with verbatim strings as well.

After a quick glance over the MSDN documentation for string interpolation revealed nothing I just decided to give it a shot by adding a dollar sign ($) ahead of the existing at (@) sign and filled the holes with the appropriate expressions. Much to my delight this worked beautifully as shown in the snippet below!

var name = "Dave";
var age = 36;

var sentence = $@"Hello!
My name is {name}.
I'm {age} years old.";


I later discovered that even though this feature doesn’t seem to be listed in the MSDN documentation (at least anywhere I could find it) that it is explicitly called out in the C# 6 draft specification so hopefully it’ll find its way to the rest of the documentation at some point.

One comment

  1. Yeah, this is quite neat. It’s one of the things I like about PowerShell and other scripting languages. I’m glad it came to C#.

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