
Feeling the Vibe

A little over two years ago my career took an unexpected turn. I found myself in a perfect position to begin life as an independent software developer. Since then I’ve been offering consulting and training services under the banner of Achiiv Solutions, LLC. (Don’t bother looking at the site – it’s just a placeholder!) In those two years I have had the good fortune of working on interesting projects with some really great clients.

About five months ago I started a contract with a Fishers, Indiana based startup called Fuzic. Their goal of controlling the vibe of a physical location through the combination of music and custom audio messaging so its customers could reach their customers in new ways intrigued me to say the least. At the time they were bringing development in-house and needed someone to maintain some aspects of the current production system and the timing was right for me to jump on board.

Originally I was going to be working only part time while I balanced this new work with some other projects I had underway but there was plenty of work to do and soon I was working a full-time schedule minus some conferences here and there. In the months since we’ve made significant enhancements to numerous aspects of the system and I’ve come to truly believe in what the company is doing.

The company’s visionary leadership has already established a strong foundation with a top-notch, high-performance team which includes some of the best people I’ve worked with in my career. What’s more is that the past few months have given me a front-row seat for several exciting milestones in the company’s history including:

With that, I’m pleased to announce that on October 16, 2017 I made the transition from contractor to Lead Software Engineer at Vibenomics! I believe that this company is going to do some great things in the coming years and am excited to see where this next chapter leads.


Turning Over A New Leaf

Today is my last day at Aprimo.  The past 6 1/2 years have been full of rewarding experiences.  During my time at Aprimo I’ve learned a lot, worked on some neat projects, and made some very close friends.  At the same time though, I’ve felt like I’ve been in a bit of a rut for some time and needed some change.  After serious consideration I decided that the time to make the change is now.

Next week (April 2) I’ll be starting as a Systems Engineer at Leaf Software Solutions in Carmel, Indiana.  I’m really excited about this opportunity and the new challenges and experiences it will bring.

I’d like to thank Aprimo for its part in shaping me into the person and programmer I am today and for preparing me for this next chapter of my life.  I wish everyone at Aprimo the best wherever life may take you.